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The Messenger

The Messenger


Oil on canvas

125 x 145 cm


Contact me here for more information or questions about this painting


  • The White Tiger is a supernatural figure who presides over the Western, or autumn quadrant of the sky. The spirit of the White Tiger combines the courage and fierceness of a soldier with an ethereal, magisterial dignity. 

    In China, the tiger is considered the king of all beasts and represents powerful energy. Further, the tiger is associated with Tsai Shen Yeh, the Chinese God of Wealth. Symbolism of the tiger deals with (but is not limited to) power, energy, royalty, protection, generosity, illumination and unpredictability.

    The white tiger is the ruler of the Fall season and governor of the Metal elementals. It was said that the white tiger would only appear when the emperor ruled with absolute virtue, or if there was peace throughout the world.

    It also symbolizes facing personal truths, strength through conviction, for that you have to have great inner strength and powerful convictions. And uniqueness, the ability to stand apart from the group. 

    The white tiger within is beautiful, powerful, quiet, gentle, and holy, calling no attention to self, or showing carnality, but calling attention to God only instead. It is also respectful of our wishes. It will stay behind, and remain uninvolved unless we accept it.

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