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Kenneth Laugen is a renowned autodidact artist hailing from Trondheim Norway, and began his career as a hobby back in 1985. Since then, he's had his artwork published and featured in many magazines and newspaper articles.

Exhibitions in 25 galleries across Norway alone, as well in other prominent cities such as Stockholm, Barcelona, Altea, Milano and Prague.

Laugen have also done artwork for special projects for various firms and companies over the years, that's resulted in book productions, illustrations, design and decorations. Many have mentioned their thoughts on how the artists artwork is deeply spiritual, but personally he does not label his art, and prefer leaving the interpretation up to the viewer. Laugen likes to paint whatever comes through and want to be manifested on the canvas. His interests in colors made him study color teraphy to learn more about how the colors affects us in everyday life, and actively use this knowledge in his artwork.

Laugen does all his work from a personal studio located in the countryside just outside Trondheim, called Studio Laaven. There he has his own gallery, where he holds 3-4 exhibitions every year.

The painting fills the most of his days, but also working as a visual artist, he often takes his camera out in the nature to search for inspiration. "The drawing pad is always by my side and I never stop working with new ideas."

Laugen believes that working as an visual artist is more then a job, its a life.


Statement from the artist

"My hope is that my art shall reach beyond the limitations of our physical senses and touch our inner being, our soul if you will. Colors are lightwaves, pure energy. I try to share my experience of how they affect me in my work.

I have had exhibitions across Europe and I tend to get the same reactions everywhere I go, viewers feels the energy from the paintings and connects with them in ways I didn't think was possible.
To meet viewers that feels the paintings and the energy in them, is a true blessing and the reason why I do my best to give an experience to the viewer that he hopefully wont forget."



Fosna-Folket 2009
Innherreds Folkeblad 2009
Bladet Visjon 2009
Byavisa 2010
Stjørdalens Blad 2009
Telemarksavisa 2009
Trondheim Sør 2009 
Bladet Plan B 2010
Trondheim Sør 2010
Trondheim Sør 2011
Klæbuposten 2012
Byavisa 2015
Heimdalsnytt 2015
GAA Magazine 2015
Boheme Product catalogue 2015
Comthesy Magazine 2016
Art Interantional Contemporary Magazine 2016
Byavisa 2016
Heimdalsnytt 2016


Exhibitions in Trondheim; 
Galleri TD. 
Trondheim Terapisenter. 
Den Grønne Brygge. 
Edens Have. 
Trondheim Terapisenter. 
Lotus senteret.
Den Gode Fe.
Persaunet alternativsenter.
Trondheim Medisinske.


Exhibitions in the district around Trondheim:
Innerøya: Landehandleren.
Rissa: Rica Hotell.
Leinstrand: Friskgården.
Stjørdalen: Friskus.
Osen: Galleri Den Blå Katt.
Verdalen: VIP senteret.
Statsbygda: Kunstlaget.
Hitra: Hitra Gull.
Hitra: Urmesse


Exhibitions elsewhere in Norway:
Kragerø: Galleri Lien.
Oslo: Hemingways.
Oslo: Alternativmessen.
Bergen: Clarion Hotell.

Exhibitions outside Norway:
Stockholm: Gallery Athello
Barcelona: GAA Art Fair.
Altea: Gallery FSS.
Milano: Arte Milano.


Decorations and sales to different firms: 
Aksim clinic, Trondheim.
Solsiden Spa, Trondheim.
Den Røde Brygge, Trondheim.
Fagforbundet i Trondheim. 
Chomthesy, Trondheim. 
BEBDesign, Trondheim.
Unanderurten, Trondheim.
KMR, Trondheim.
Feng shui shop, Altea, Spain.
Telia Kunstclub, Stockholm Sverige. 
144, Oslo.
Eric Pearls Reconnective Healing, L.A. USA.
Pusterommet, Koppang.


Cooperations with clothing companies:
Boheme a/s.


Made illustrations for: 
Comthesy A/S, Trondheim.
BEBDesign, Trondheim.
Hellsenteret, Stjørdalen.
Unanderurten, Trondheim.
KMR, Trondheim.
Inoma, Trondheim.
For the 5 books: «Pandora» by Mary Anno.
Nina Skemstad: Astrologer.
Eric Pearl: The founder of reconnactive healing.
Adventure: Cover Art for the band Adventure.
Inger Grefstad: Illustrations.
Lykkesmed: Photos for coverart.

«The Shift» a cooperation between me and the poet Greta Høiland.


For more photos from my exhibitions, press below

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